Listening Connection (1) with DVD-1片購物網口碑
Listening Connection (1) with DVD-1片購物網口碑,總而言之,它的評價很高,真的不錯!
一拿起,那觸感簡直不要太美好阿,吸引我的最大因素 ,給小雅看她也說這售價真的蠻合理的。
推薦大家一本考試用書Listening Connection (1) with DVD-1片購物網口碑全書的內容大意
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Listening Connection (1) with DVD-1片購物網口碑 好書推薦 博客來網路書店歡迎您
Listening Connection (1) with DVD-1片購物網口碑 開箱文 博客來網路書店
內容簡介: Description
The Listening Connection is a three-level series containing a broad collection of topics that enable learners to develop active vocabulary and listening skills. Theories provides opportunities not only to enrich learners' general knowledge of the world, but also to develop specific skills for listening to nonfiction materials.
Each book contains 12 units. The selection of stories is grouped into four themes: Animals, Places, Activities, and Science. Each unit has an accompanying video with engaging video material from all around the world and featuring voiceover narration, specifically adapted for learners of English.
Key Features
?12 full-color units based on National Geographic videos have many eye-catching photos to illustrate real-life stories and to expand learners' horizons as they explore the world.
博客來?Authentic listening passages help learners improve their listening skills, develop their linguistic proficiency, use English beyond the classroom and prepare them for standardized exams.
博客來網路書店?Skill building activities are in four parts with exercises to help build listening comprehension, improve vocabulary and usage, self-expression and discussion.
The Listening Connection series is designed to be used as the main text for a general listening course, or for a standardized test preparation course, or as a supplement to an integrated skills course.
Listening Connection (1) with DVD-1片購物網口碑 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: Rob Waring, Gabriel Benn
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2016/02/23
- 語言:英文
Listening Connection (1) with DVD-1片購物網口碑 評比 博客來網路書局
Listening Connection (1) with DVD-1片購物網口碑
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Listening Connection (1) with DVD-1片購物網口碑