
Kids’ Classic Readers 6-9 Doctor Knowall with Hybrid CD-1片特價搶購

Kids’ Classic Readers 6-9 Doctor Knowall with Hybrid CD-1片特價搶購,總而言之它的評價很高真的不錯

天阿~~你看看,打折打到骨折了啊,平價舒適、物超所值,買過就知道 ,給小雅看她也說這售價真的蠻合理的。

推薦大家一本考試用書Kids’ Classic Readers 6-9 Doctor Knowall with Hybrid CD-1片特價搶購全書的內容大意

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Kids’ Classic Readers 6-9 Doctor Knowall with Hybrid CD-1片特價搶購 好書推薦 博客來網路書店歡迎您


Kids’ Classic Readers 6-9 Doctor Knowall with Hybrid CD-1片特價搶購 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: 博客來博客來網路書局Description
Doctor Knowall Level 6-9

博客來書店A poor man learns how to trick people so they think he is a doctor. People think he is a doctor who knows all things. They call him Doctor Knowall. A rich man asks Doctor Knowall to find his lost money. Can the doctor do it?

Early readers will help their reading skills grow with these simple retellings of well-loved classics.

Kids’ Classic Readers 6-9 Doctor Knowall with Hybrid CD-1片特價搶購 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2016/04/08
  • 語言:英文

Kids’ Classic Readers 6-9 Doctor Knowall with Hybrid CD-1片特價搶購 評比 博客來網路書局

Kids’ Classic Readers 6-9 Doctor Knowall with Hybrid CD-1片特價搶購

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Kids’ Classic Readers 6-9 Doctor Knowall with Hybrid CD-1片特價搶購
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寧為下堂妻 套書(上+下,共二冊)

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巧手閨女 套書(上+下,共二冊)

名門喜事 套書(卷一至卷四,共四冊)























Kids’ Classic Readers 6-9 Doctor Knowall with Hybrid CD-1片特價搶購

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